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Bilimsel Yazılar
Başlık | Yazarlar | Yayınlandığı Yer | Tarih |
The effect of octreotide on pancreatic damage in TNBS-induced colitis | Akgül S, Erbil Y, Giris M, Alis H, Yanik BT, Olgaç V, Toker GA | Surg Innov | 2006 Jun;13(2):102-8 |
Handheld gamma probe used to detect accessory spleens during initial laparoscopic splenectomies | Barbaros U, Dinççağ A, Erbil Y, Mercan S, Sanli Y, Adalet I, Küçükkaya R | Surg Endosc | 2007 Jan;21(1):115-9 |
The effect of glutamine on pancreatic damage in TNBS-induced colitis | Değer C, Erbil Y, Giriş M, Yanik BT, Tunca F, Olgaç V, Abbasoğlu SD, Oztezcan S, Toker G | Dig Dis Sci | 2006 Oct;51(10):1841-6 |
The use of LigaSure in patients with hyperthyroidism | Barbaros U, Erbil Y, Bozbora A, Deveci U, Aksakal N, Dinççağ A, Ozarmağan S | Langenbecks Arch Surg | 2006 Nov;391(6):575-9 |
Evaluation of the cardiovascular risk in patients with subclinical Cushing syndrome before and after surgery | Erbil Y, Ademoğlu E, Ozbey N, Barbaros U, Yanik BT, Salmaslioğlu A, Bozbora A, Ozarmağan S | World J Surg | 2006 Sep;30(9):1665-71 |
Laparoscopic treatment of hypertension after micturition: Bladder pheochromocytoma | Bozbora A, Barbaros U, Erbil Y, Kiliçarslan I, Yildizhan E, Ozarmagan S | JSLS | 2006 Apr-Jun;10(2):263-6 |
Severe hyperthyroidism requiring therapeutic plasmapheresis in a patient with hydatidiform mole | Erbil Y, Tihan D, Azezli A, Salmaslioğlu A, Ozlük Y, Büyükören A, Ozarmağan S | Gynecol Endocrinol | 2006 Jul;22(7):402-4 |
Impact of gland morphology and concomitant thyroid nodules on preoperative localization of parathyroid adenomas | Erbil Y, Barbaros U, Yanik BT, Salmaslioğlu A, Tunaci M, Adalet I, Bozbora A, Ozarmağan S | Laryngoscope | 2006 Apr;116(4):580-5 |
The effect of heme oxygenase-1 induction by glutamine on radiation-induced intestinal damage: the effect of heme oxygenase-1 on radiation enteritis | Giriş M, Erbil Y, Oztezcan S, Olgaç V, Barbaros U, Deveci U, Kirgiz B, Uysal M, Toker GA | Am J Surg | 2006 Apr;191(4):503-9 |
Correlations between vitamin D status and biochemical/clinical and pathological parameters in primary hyperparathyroidism | Ozbey N, Erbil Y, Ademoğlu E, Ozarmağan S, Barbaros U, Bozbora A | World J Surg | 2006 Mar;30(3):321-6 |
Breast hamartoma: a case report | Barbaros U, Deveci U, Erbil Y, Budak D | Acta Chir Belg | 2005 Nov-Dec;105(6):658-9 |
The efficacy of octreotide in pancreatic and intestinal changes: radiation-induced enteritis in animals | Olgaç V, Erbil Y, Barbaros U, Oztezcan S, Giriş M, Kaya H, Bilge H, Güler S, Toker G | Dig Dis Sci | 2006 Jan;51(1):227-32 |
Cystic lymphangioma of the right adrenal gland | Ates LE, Kapran Y, Erbil Y, Barbaros U, Dizdaroglu F | Pathol Oncol Res | 2005;11(4):242-4 |
The effect of heme oxygenase-1 induction by octreotide on radiation enteritis | Abbasoğlu SD, Erbil Y, Eren T, Giriş M, Barbaros U, Yücel R, Olgaç V, Uysal M, Toker G | Peptides | 2006 Jun;27(6):1570-6. Epub 2005 Dec 20 |
Thyroid metastasis of malignant melanoma | Bozbora A, Barbaros U, Kaya H, Erbil Y, Kapran Y, Ozbey N, Ozarmagan S | Am J Clin Oncol | 2005 Dec;28(6):642-3 |
Endometriotic umbilical port site metastasis after laparoscopy | Barbaros U, Iyibozkurt AC, Gulluoglu M, Barbaros M, Erbil Y, Tunali V, Mercan S | Am J Obstet Gynecol | 2005 Nov;193(5):1761-3 |
Metastatic thyroid carcinoma | Kaya H, Barbaros U, Erbil Y, Bozbora A, Kapran Y, Aral F, Ozarmağan S | N Z Med J | 2005 Oct 28;118(1224):U1705 |
Oxidative damage in an experimentally induced gastric and gastroduodenal reflux model | Erbil Y, Türkoglu U, Barbaros U, Balik E, Olgac V, Kaya H, Cimşit B | Surg Innov | 2005 Sep;12(3):219-25 |
Gamma probe-guided surgery for revision thyroidectomy: in comparison with conventional technique | Erbil Y, Barbaros U, Deveci U, Kaya H, Bozbora A, Ozbey N, Adalet I, Ozarmagan S | J Endocrinol Invest | 2005 Jul-Aug;28(7):583-8 |
The effect of glutamine on radiation-induced organ damage | Erbil Y, Oztezcan S, Giriş M, Barbaros U, Olgaç V, Bilge H, Küçücük H, Toker G | Life Sci | 2005 Dec 12;78(4):376-82 |