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Bilimsel Yazılar
Başlık | Yazarlar | Yayınlandığı Yer | Tarih |
Effect of sildenafil on wound healing: an experimental study | Derici H, Kamer E, Unalp HR, Diniz G, Bozdag AD, Tansug T, Ortac R, Erbil Y | Langenbecks Arch Surg | 2010 Aug;395(6):713-8 |
Prognostic factors in patients with papillary thyroid carcinoma | Soyluk O, Selcukbiricik F, Erbil Y, Bozbora A, Kapran Y, Ozbey N | J Endocrinol Invest | 2008 Nov;31(11):1032-7 |
Does near total thyroidectomy offer advantage over total thyroidectomy in terms of postoperative hypocalcemia? | Unalp HR, Erbil Y, Akguner T, Kamer E, Derici H, Issever H | Int J Surg | 2009 Apr;7(2):120-5 |
Risk factors of incidental parathyroidectomy after thyroidectomy for benign thyroid disorders | Erbil Y, Barbaros U, Ozbey N, Aral F, Ozarmağan S | Int J Surg | 2009 Feb;7(1):58-61 |
Minimally invasive video-assisted subtotal parathyroidectomy with thymectomy for secondary hyperparathyroidism | Barbaros U, Erbil Y, Yildirim A, Saricam G, Yazici H, Ozarmağan S | Langenbecks Arch Surg | 2009 May;394(3):451-5 |
L-myc gene polymorphism and risk of thyroid cancer | Yaylim-Eraltan I, Bozkurt N, Ergen A, Zeybek U, Ozturk O, Arikan S, Erbil Y, Uslu I, Camlica H, Isbir T | Exp Oncol | 2008 Jun;30(2):117-20 |
Effect of thyroid gland volume in preoperative detection of suspected malignant thyroid nodules in a multinodular goiter | Erbil Y, Barbaros U, Salmaslioglu A, Mete O, Issever H, Ozarmagan S, Yilmazbayhan D, Tezelman S | Arch Surg | 2008 Jun;143(6):558-63 |
Is timing important in thyroid reoperation? | Erbil Y, Bozbora A, Ademoglu E, Salmaslioglu A, Ozarmagan S | J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg | 2008 Feb;37(1):56-64 |
Predictive value of sonographic features in preoperative evaluation of malignant thyroid nodules in a multinodular goiter | Salmaslioğlu A, Erbil Y, Dural C, Işsever H, Kapran Y, Ozarmağan S, Tezelman S | World J Surg | 2008 Sep;32(9):1948-54 |
Ascaris as a leading point for small-bowel intussusception in an adult: a rare cause of intussusception | Karatepe O, Tükenmez M, Hünerli K, Citlak G, Salmaslioglu A, Battal M, Erbil Y | Am J Emerg Med | 2008 Mar;26(3):381 e3-4 |
Electrocautery for cutaneous flap creation during thyroidectomy: a randomised, controlled study | Barbaros U, Erbil Y, Aksakal N, Citlak G, Işsever H, Bozbora A, Ozarmağan S | J Laryngol Otol | 2008 Dec;122(12):1343-8 |
The effect of anti-thyroid drug treatment duration on thyroid gland microvessel density and intraoperative blood loss in patients with Graves'disease | Erbil Y, Giriş M, Salmaslioglu A, Ozluk Y, Barbaros U, Yanik BT, Kapran Y, Abbasoglu SD, Ozarmagan S | Surgery | 2008 Feb;143(2):216-25 |
Effect of taurine on oxidative stress and apoptosis-related protein expression in trinitrobenzene sulphonic acid-induced colitis | Giriş M, Depboylu B, Doğru-Abbasoğlu S, Erbil Y, Olgaç V, Aliş H, Aykaç-Toker G, Uysal M | Clin Exp Immunol | 2008 Apr;152(1):102-10 |
Impact of adenoma weight and ectopic location of parathyroid adenoma on localization study results | Erbil Y, Barbaros U, Tükenmez M, Işsever H, Salmaslioğlu A, Adalet I, Ozarmağan S, Tezelman S | World J Surg | 2008 Apr;32(4):566-71 |
Primary retroperitoneal hydatid disease mimicking retroperitoneal malignant tumor | Erçetin C, Tükenmez M, Dural C, Poyanli A, Salmaslioğlu A, Bilgiç B, Erbil Y | Int J Infect Dis | 2008 Jul;12(4):402-5 |
Clinical and radiological features of adrenal cysts | Erbil Y, Salmaslioğlu A, Barbaros U, Bozbora A, Mete O, Aral F, Ozarmağan S | Urol Int | 2008;80(1):31-6 |
Predictive value of age and serum parathormone and vitamin d3 levels for postoperative hypocalcemia after total thyroidectomy for nontoxic multinodular goiter | Erbil Y, Bozbora A, Ozbey N, Issever H, Aral F, Ozarmagan S, Tezelman S | Arch Surg | 2007 Dec;142(12):1182-7 |
The positive effect of adenoma weight and oxyphil cell content on preoperative localization with 99mTc-sestamibi scanning for primary hyperparathyroidism | Erbil Y, Kapran Y, Işsever H, Barbaros U, Adalet I, Dizdaroğlu F, Bozbora A, Ozarmağan S, Tezelman S | Am J Surg | 2008 Jan;195(1):34-9 |
Laparoscopic treatment of a wandering spleen causing partial colonic obstruction: report of a case | Barbaros U, Tükenmez M, Erbil Y, Dinççağ A, Tiryaki B, Ozarmağan S, Mercan S, Budak D | Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech | 2007 Oct;17(5):462-4 |
Early prediction of anastomotic leakage after colorectal surgery by measuring peritoneal cytokines: prospective study | Uğraş B, Giriş M, Erbil Y, Gökpinar M, Citlak G, Işsever H, Bozbora A, Oztezcan S | Int J Surg | 2008 Feb;6(1):28-35 |