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Bilimsel Yazılar
Başlık | Yazarlar | Yayınlandığı Yer | Tarih |
Intestinal Langerhans cell histiocytosis-like lesion in an adult presented with diverticulitis: a reactive or neoplastic condition? | Mete Ö, Doğan Ö, Kapran Y, Tihan D, Erbil Y, Ozarmağan S | Pathol Oncol Res | 2011 Jun;17(2):403-7 |
N-butyl cyanoacrylate versus conventional suturing for fixation of meshes in an incisional hernia model | Dilege E, Deveci U, Erbil Y, Dinççağ A, Seven R, Ozarmagan S, Mercan S, Barbaros U | J Invest Surg | 2010 Oct;23(5):262-6 |
Malignant phaeochromocytoma with cavoatrial extension: transcaval removal of tumor without cardiopulmonary bypass A case report | Dural C, Bilge O, Toker A, Erbil Y, Salmaslioglu A, Ozbey N, Aral F | Minerva Chir | 2010 Aug;65(4):485-8 |
Radio-guided excision of metastatic lymph nodes in thyroid carcinoma: a safe technique for previously operated neck compartments | Erbil Y, Sari S, Ağcaoğlu O, Ersöz F, Bayraktar A, Salmaslioğlu A, Gozkun O, Adalet I, Ozarmağan S | World J Surg | 2010 Nov;34(11):2581-8 |
Evaluation of recurrent laryngeal nerve monitoring in thyroid surgery | Sarı S, Erbil Y, Sümer A, Agcaoglu O, Bayraktar A, Issever H, Ozarmagan S | Int J Surg | 2010;8(6):474-8 |
The effect of retroperitoneal fat mass on surgical outcomes in patients performing laparoscopic adrenalectomy: the effect of fat tissue in adrenalectomy | Erbil Y, Barbaros U, Sari S, Agcaoglu O, Salmaslioglu A, Ozarmagan S | Surg Innov | 2010 Jun;17(2):114-9 |
Novel hemostatic devices in thyroid surgery: are they necessary in every patient performing thyroidectomy? | Erbil Y, Sümer A, Sari S, Ercetin C, Issever H, Ozarmagan S | Surg Technol Int | 2010 Apr;19:85-90 |
Anti-CD10 (56C6) is expressed variably in adrenocortical tumors and cannot be used to discriminate clear cell renal cell carcinomas | Mete O, Kapran Y, Güllüoğlu MG, Kiliçaslan I, Erbil Y, Senyürek YG, Dizdaroğlu F | Virchows Arch | 2010 May;456(5):515-21 |
Pancreatic ampullary carcinoma with neck metastases: a case report | Aksoy M, Sumer A, Sari S, Mete O, Salmaslioglu A, Erbil Y | Cases J | 2009 Oct 1;2:146 |
Polymorphisms of DNA base-excision repair genes APE/Ref-1 and XRCC1 are not associated with the risk for Graves'disease | Doğru-Abbasoğlu S, Tanrikulu S, Ademoğlu E, Erbil Y, Ozderya A, Karadağ B, Uysal M | Cell Biochem Funct | 2009 Oct;27(7):462-7 |
Case report: Adrenal LH/hCG receptor overexpression and gene amplification causing pregnancy-induced Cushing's syndrome | Chui MH, Ozbey NC, Ezzat S, Kapran Y, Erbil Y, Asa SL | Endocr Pathol | 2009 Winter;20(4):256-61 |
Heme oxygenase-1 prevents hyperthyroidism induced hepatic damage via an antioxidant and antiapoptotic pathway | Giriş M, Erbil Y, Depboylu B, Mete O, Türkoğlu U, Abbasoğlu SD, Uysal M | J Surg Res | 2010 Dec;164(2):266-75 |
Cardiovascular risk in patients with nonfunctional adrenal incidentaloma: myth or reality? | Erbil Y, Ozbey N, Barbaros U, Unalp HR, Salmaslioglu A, Ozarmagan S | World J Surg | 2009 Oct;33(10):2099-105 |
Early prediction of hypocalcemia after thyroidectomy by parathormone measurement in surgical site irrigation fluid | Kamer E, Unalp HR, Erbil Y, Akguner T, Issever H, Tarcan E | Int J Surg | 2009 Oct;7(5):466-71 |
Endothelial function and endothelial nitric oxide synthase intron 4a/b polymorphism in primary hyperparathyroidism | Ekmekci A, Abaci N, Colak Ozbey N, Agayev A, Aksakal N, Oflaz H, Erginel-Unaltuna N, Erbil Y | J Endocrinol Invest | 2009 Jul;32(7):611-6 |
The characteristics of concomitant thyroid nodules cause false-positive ultrasonography results in primary hyperparathyroidism | Barbaros U, Erbil Y, Salmashoğlu A, Işsever H, Aral F, Tunaci M, Ozarmağan S | Am J Otolaryngol | 2009 Jul-Aug;30(4):239-43 |
The change in the principle of performing laparoscopic adrenalectomy from small to large masses | Erbil Y, Barbaros U, Karaman G, Bozbora A, Ozarmağan S | Int J Surg | 2009 Jun;7(3):266-71 |
The impact of age, vitamin D(3) level, and incidental parathyroidectomy on postoperative hypocalcemia after total or near total thyroidectomy | Erbil Y, Barbaros U, Temel B, Turkoglu U, Işsever H, Bozbora A, Ozarmağan S, Tezelman S | Am J Surg | 2009 Apr;197(4):439-46 |
Ectopic growth hormone-releasing hormone secretion by a neuroendocrine tumor causing acromegaly: long-term follow-up results | Colak Ozbey N, Kapran Y, Bozbora A, Erbil Y, Tascioglu C, Asa SL | Endocr Pathol | 2009 Summer;20(2):127-32 |
Preventive effect of pentoxifylline on acute radiation damage via antioxidant and anti-inflammatory pathways | Hepgül G, Tanrikulu S, Unalp HR, Akguner T, Erbil Y, Olgaç V, Ademoğlu E | Dig Dis Sci | 2010 Mar;55(3):617-25 |